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1 - 10 of 41 search results for moya mcfadzean where 3 match all words and 38 match some words.
  1. Fully-matching results

  2. Moya McFadzean

    External Research Supervisors
  3. McCoy Seed Fund Projects

    26 Jul 2024: 2014 McCoy Seed Fund Projects. Cultural Representations in Australian Television,1956-Today – Dr Moya McFadzean and Professor Kate Darian-Smith will lead a study on how diverse cultural groups have been
  4. 2014 McCoy Seed Fund Projects

    26 Jul 2024: Cultural Representations in Australian Television,1956-Today – Dr Moya McFadzean and Professor Kate Darian-Smith will lead a study on how diverse cultural groups have been represented on Australian television since
  5. Results that match 1 of 2 words

  6. Attention Dynamics Lab

    10 Apr 2024: Harding, R., Moya, E., Ataíde, R., Truwah, Z., Mzembe, G., Mhango, G., Demir, A., Stones, W., Randall, L., Seal, M., Johnson, K., Bode, S., Mwangi, M., Pasricha, S., Braat, S., & Phiri,
  7. Eating Disorder Lab | Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences

    12 Dec 2022: PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH, 188(3), 439-445. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2011.05.026. Nunez-Navarro, A., Jimenez-Murcia, S., Alvarez-Moya, E., Villarejo, C., Sanchez Diaz, I., Masuet Augmantell, C., ... CYBERPSYCHOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, 12(1), 37-41.
  8. Communication and Ethics for IMGs

    4 Dec 2024: Dr Moya Vandeleur, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. IntervieweesDr Nur Azurah Abdul Ghani, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne.
  9. Catalogue

    12 Apr 2023: Moya McKenna. John R. Neeson. Nicholas Pearce. Kate Rohde. Ben McKeown.
  10. Reviews, Caruso Nanoengineering Group, The University of Melbourne

    31 Jan 2025: M.; Moya, S.; Mulvaney, P.; Rogach, A. L.; Roy, S.; Shchukin, D.
  11. I No Longer Want to be That Girl: A Deconstruction of Wellness Culture

    For instance, 22-year-old Youtuber Moya Mawhinney showcases the ideal life of a university student who is organised, content, and most importantly, aesthetically pleasing in her popular university vlog series
  12. Moya McKenna

    Victorian College of the Arts